■ ドラマ・コメディ番組の視聴率
18-49 視聴者数 視聴率 (100万人) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8:00 CBS NCIS 2.1 16.85 8:00 ABC Fresh off the Boat 1.4 4.85 9:00 CBS NCIS: New Orleans 1.7 14.33 9:00 ABC Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1.5 4.24 9:00 FOX New Girl 0.9 2.14 9:00 CW iZombie 0.7 1.77 9:30 FOX Weird Loners 0.7 1.71 10:00 NBC Chicago Fire 2.0 8.43 10:00 CBS Person Of Interest 1.3 8.67 10:00 ABC Forever 0.9 4.06■ 出典・参考:
- TV Ratings Tuesday: 'Forever', 'New Girl' & 'Person of Interest' Hit Lows, 'Fresh off the Boat' Rises + 'iZombie' Flat
- Tuesday Final Ratings: 'NCIS: New Orleans' Adjusted Up; No Adjustment for 'Forever', 'New Girl' or 'Weird Loners'